Ladies Fashion, Health and Information

Collecting Ladies

Collecting Ladies
By:"Penny Olsen"
Published on 2013 by National Library Australia

Around 1870, Ferdinand von Mueller, the greatest Australian botanist of the nineteenth century, began to advertise in several newspapers across Australia for 'lady' plant collectors. This was at a time when women typically had little recourse to science, or contact with men outside their circle of friends, making Mueller's network of ladies quite extraordinary. Collecting Ladies profiles 14 of Mueller's coterie of women collectors. Included are Fanny Charsley, Louisa Atkinson, Annie Walker and Ellis Rowan for whom Mueller made time to assist in pursuit of their own passions. He identified the plants they painted and provided letters of introduction to publishers and scientists. Together, these ladies produced some of the most beautiful books and botanical art to come out of Australia in the nineteenth century, covering all the Australian colonies.Here's a wonderful review of Collecting Ladies in The Journal of Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens, Muelleria

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword ladies.



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